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April 2015 UPDATE:  It has been said many times, in various ways, that if 3 hams get together to form a club, that 2 clubs will be created.  Another way to synopsize this DMR group experience is to say that, "Infrastructure breeds politics".  No matter how you slice it, there are many approaches out there in the ham DMR community and the big guns are now running the show their way with little room for the "Independent c-Bridge Operators" (ICBO's).


  • This website and its active maintenance will be reduced to serve our current member repeaters and their users while the focus forward is to actively serve the Pacific Northwest region of the USA.
  • Connections for current member repeater managers will be maintained; no one must leave, no changes.
  • New Individualized/customized repeater managers will no longer be our hallmark except for our regional support.
  • The Open IPSC network will still be open to new connections that wish an independent DMR presence.
  • DCI will continue to explore, support and alpha/beta test the c-Bridge software and deployment options.
  • Emails from non-member repeaters/users requesting DMR information and/or support will likely be referred to the Yahoo MotoTRBO USA group with few Email responses in the future.

The time and money pit that DCI (TRBO-6 as well) has invested in since 2008, while fun and immensely educational, had been reduced to a burden over politics and bent personalities.  We have joined others who no longer try to help in the national DMR arena simply because we had the time, experience, resources and that desire to assist the wider ham community.

This decision was made before the Florida c-Bridge TG eruptions, radio ID blocking and the lawsuit brought by K1DMR against numerous repeater owners or their trustees (NCPRN).  This is extremely sad coming on the heals of DCI's issues with MARC and CalDMR (UPDATE 7-3-15: CalDMR has dissolved).  DCI's departure was prophetically timely in hindsight.  I have no further words on this pitiful spiral down the toilet of the Ham fraternity.

NADMRC has been a near complete flop as most c-Bridge groups will not speak up for their fellow independent c-Bridge operators, more especially not publically against any of the MARC policies of black-balling or other efforts to marginalize these independent operators.  CalDMR (now dissolved) and MARC are now allied and NATS is history as well.  This is the trifecta, a straight line of uniformity and conformity...and control.

DCI sees the light and has ceased its involvement in the ICBO battles.  TAC 310/TAC 123 was the instant and last effort to try to maintain an independent worldwide Push-to-Talk talkgroup and it too has been suppressed and is quite likely to be eliminated by the alliance, as TAC 123 has already.

This longstanding effort to provide c-Bridging services to any repeater that came our way has been a wonderful experience, albeit expensive and time consuming.  DMR Email and c-Bridge support required hours each morning for responses and follow-ups.  Considering the nastiness of Ham DMR as well as time management and costs, it is time to roll-up the carpet and devolve to a much smaller operation, one that focuses on local and regional support, growth and enjoyment and more importantly, out of the polarization and politics seemingly inherent on the national stage. 

DCI now leaves behind this unfortunate chapter, if not book on Ham DMR.  -- NO7RF / WB6WUI