
Bringing MotoTRBO Repeaters to
Northwestern Washington State

October 2012, new interest out of Seattle, MTR-2000 upgraded for TRBO to go up in December 2012, more to follow as we get closer...

DCI would like to have TRBO coverage over on the west side of Washington State and encourages any ham radio clubs to consider supporting Motorola's DMR implementation known as MotoTRBO.

There is currently a TRBO repeater in Vancouver BC which has coverage down to around Bellingham.  We are hopeful that TRBO can expand to cover more of the I-5 travel corridor.

Much more information is available on DCI and TRBO, just check out our sitemap.  There are also a few links to pages on our site for a more general background at the bottom of this page. 

NOTE: We have already tired of the TRBO vs D-STAR comparisons and will no longer champion TRBO.  If you decide to go with TRBO, then we can help.  But the debates of who has the biggest stick or uses it better hold no interest.

This Email (edited now) was sent out recently to several westside clubs that were thought to have some interest in exploring MotoTRBO, so it is here below for reference.

We are DCI and we are from Winthrop Washington, east side of the Cascades and currently operate a number of TRBO repeaters in this area as well as operate the IPSC network that has linking ability to 5 other networks that total over 80 TRBO repeaters worldwide.  Our website is www.trbo.org and more specifically www.trbo.org/dci  DCI is a network (in addition to TRBO-6) of 22 individually owned and operated TRBO repeaters located all over the USA.  

DCI is interested in helping to bring online a TRBO repeater (or many) in Northwestern Washington state.  We are looking for some decent Interstate 5 coverage from Bellingham down to Olympia though concentrating more on Seattle to Everett coverage areas.  We already have most of I-5 covered from Mexico to North of Red Bluff, CA with our California networks.  We have lined up some resources to aid in the deployment NW WA repeater but what we really would like is a local area Ham Radio Club (501c3 status desirable) to take on the project.  While DCI can help in minor to major ways, it would still require the support of an organization and willing users to make use of the repeater.  

A TRBO demonstration repeater (also mobile, HT's and a SL7550) was shown during the digital shootout at the Comm Academy 2012 in West Seattle in just a few weeks ago.   Demonstration contacts were made both on DCI/TRBO-6 and DMR-MARC during the presentation which attended by approximately 60 area hams and EmComm staff.  DCI also has Radio Reference and a Livestream feeds as well as an EchoLink portal; WB0VHB-L or node: 484940.

If your club has any interest in pursuing a MotoTRBO project, we'd like to help you to get that project online.  Please contact us if you wish any additional information.  Our Email is: dci-trbo-project@trbo.org.  If by chance your club is not interested but you might know of another club that may wish to explore DMR technology, by all means please forward this Email.

Why TRBO? A FM Ham's View of TRBO
Resources Where to find out more about TRBO
Networks-DMR Major TRBO networks that interconnect with other IPSC networks
Our History Background and timeline on DCI and TRBO-6 Networks
Streaming DCI Portals; LiveStream, Radio Reference, uStream or Embedded or EchoLink
APRS DCI's TRBO Mapping Project using APRS
Dayton Hamvention DCI's "TRBO Express" plans for 2012 Hamvension in Dayton
Contact DCI

Revised: 06/26/2017 02:40

